
Actively managed funds flop in Europe, too

CBS News

For more than a decade now, Standard & Poor’s has been contributing to the debate over active versus passive investing by producing its S&P Indices Versus Active Funds, or SPIVA, scorecards. These twice-yearly scorecards evaluate the evidence concerning the performance of actively managed funds relative to their benchmarks. They show, year after year, that fewer …Read More.

Brain Tricks May Reduce Your Returns

Huffington Post

What if you could create a forum for discussing the best way to invest in a responsible and intelligent manner? Who would you invite to participate in this debate? Here are my suggestions: There would be no shortage of candidates to advocate stock picking, market timing and fund manager selection. Jim Cramer, for example, could …Read More.

Small Value Funds Not Equal, Part II

Smart investors begin their journey by developing an investment plan, or investment policy statement, that includes an asset allocation table. After the plan has been prepared, the next step is to select proper investment vehicles for providing the appropriate exposure to the desired asset classes. A common error among investors who follow a “passive” investment …Read More.

How to Be Happier in Retirement

Much of what is written about retirement planning focuses on investing. I am guilty of contributing to the volume of that literature. My book, “The Smartest Retirement Book You’ll Ever Read,” discusses how to invest intelligently so that you can retire with dignity. I certainly don’t mean to trivialize the importance of careful financial planning. Without such …Read More.

Is ‘Momentum’ Faltering? Part I

For the decade from 2004-2013, the momentum premium—as measured by the Fama-French momentum factor—experienced a negative compound return of -1.2 percent per year. (This number was calculated using the monthly momentum premium figures from the Fama-French data series. Note that returns on factors are generally expressed as annual averages, not annualized returns, and during this decade …Read More.

Avoid this mistake about global diversification

CBS News

Don’t get stuck in your own backyard. Investors should consider building globally diversified equity portfolios that avoid the persistent and worldwide phenomenon of home-country bias. That’s when you allocate a greater weight to your home-country stocks than their percentage of total global market capitalization. Among the reasons investors around the world exhibit this bias is …Read More.

Is ‘Momentum’ Faltering? Part II

Earlier this week, we took a look at some of the historical evidence on the persistence of the Fama-French momentum factor. Today we’ll examine the momentum premium’s out-of-sample record, as well as its uses in portfolio diversification. The authors of the 2013 study, “212 Years of Price Momentum,” concluded that the most recent decade-long underperformance …Read More.

The Top 10 Places Your Next Dollar Should Go

There is no shortage of receptacles clamoring for your money each day. No matter how much money you have or make, it could never keep up with all the seemingly urgent invitations to part with it. Separating true financial priorities from flash impulses is an increasing challenge, even when you’re trying to do the right …Read More.

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