
What are agency bonds?

Quick Take on Fixed Income November 2015 Question: What are agency bonds? Answer: Agency bonds are securities issued by two types of entities: 1) government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs), which usually are federally chartered but privately owned corporations; and 2) federal government agencies which issue bonds to finance activities related to public purposes, such as increasing home …Read More.

Dividends An Illogical Preference

A large body of literature examines whether managers of actively managed funds add value to their investors by generating abnormal returns. Unfortunately, not only do the vast majority fail to do so, but the evidence, as presented in my book, “The Incredible Shrinking Alpha,” demonstrates that the already-small percentage of managers able to beat their …Read More.

Valuation Metrics In Perspective

It’s well-established in the literature that valuation metrics—such as the dividend yield (D/P) and the earnings yield (E/P), as well as its cousin, the Shiller CAPE 10—provide important information in terms of future expected returns. In fact, these metrics are the best that investors have for predicting long-term equity results. For instance, the Shiller CAPE …Read More.

Required Reading for Investors

Jane Bryant Quinn, a highly regarded and nationally syndicated columnist, once called much of the output of Wall Street and the trade publications that cover financial markets “investment porn.” She summed it up this way: “Americans are indulging themselves in investment porn. Shameless stories about performance tickle our prurient financial interest.” The roller-coaster swing of …Read More.

Europe Factors Parallel US

The academic research has provided investors with strong evidence there’s a small group of investment factors—or sources of returns—that have delivered higher returns over the long term. To be considered among this small group of factors, the evidence should have the following characteristics: Persistence: It holds across long periods of time and various economic regimes. …Read More.

Fixed Income Quick Take: What Is Duration?

Steve Wiechel, Fixed Income Advisor, Buckingham Explaining duration. Fixed Income Advisor Steve Wiechel with the ins and outs of bond price sensitivity, using higher coupon bonds to lower duration and targeting the duration to best combine yield and volatility. Quick Take: What is Duration from The BAM ALLIANCE on Vimeo. …Read More.

What are corporate bonds?

Quick Take on Fixed Income November 2015 Question: What are corporate bonds? Answer: Corporate bonds are debt securities issued by corporations. The bonds have a maturity greater than one year, and interest income is taxable at local, state and federal levels. These bonds are the obligation of the issuing company, which can issue many bonds …Read More.

A Wake-Up Call Without the Trauma

Imagine a hypothetical guy who lives a responsible financial life. He’s focused on meeting his obligations, even though he doesn’t have a big cushion when it comes to his take-home pay. Things are tight. He’s not quite living paycheck-to-paycheck, but it’s close. Then one day, an external shock completely outside his control occurs, and it …Read More.

Market Efficiency Doesn’t Matter

In a recent discussion on the Advisor Perspectives website (it was in response to an article I wrote on the performance of Third Avenue Management’s actively managed funds), someone commented: “I am, for the most part, a proponent of passive investing, especially in asset classes (such as domestic equity) where the great majority of active …Read More.

Genes, Experience Affect Choices

Are you a value investor or a growth investor? Could your preference be influenced by a biological predisposition partially ingrained from birth? Is it possible that your choice of investment could be explained by your personal experiences, both early on and later in life? The field of behavioral finance advances psychology-based theories to explain investor …Read More.

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